Remember me?!

To be entirely honest, I don’t!

Since my last post, I recall a few blurry scenes from my life.  I remember a nasty cold.  I remember an unsettling week-long bout with vertigo.  I remember a funeral.  I remember writing 10 pages of a memoir for class and deciding to actually go through with it.  I remember a buy one-get one half off promotion at Starbucks.  And I remember some friends coming to my apartment to watch Urijah Faber pummel some hapless chump on TV, but probably only because that happened two days ago.

The past few weeks have involved a lot of work, a lot of unexpected travel, and a lot of falling asleep at inopportune moments, such as on top of my homework and propped up against my computer monitor at the office.  What with a busy spell at my job and a little over two weeks left in graduate school, my life is simply brimming with tasks that I have no desire whatsoever to complete.

But if I can suck it up for two and a half days, I get a brief respite.

As luck would have it, I start my Thanksgiving break this Wednesday at 3:00.  I will travel to see family, eat myself into a coma, play with my parents’ weird cat that thinks it’s a dog, nap, eat more, force my mother to do some Black Friday shopping with me, and hassle roommate in new and exciting locations.  It will be exactly what I need in order to recharge my brain just enough to finish out my last few assignments and maybe do a few things at work before Christmas break.

SIDE NOTE:  as much as I may complain about my job, having a paid recess between Christmas and New Year’s is pretty much the most amazing employment benefit ever.  I would happily give up dental insurance for a winter recess at any future job.

December 11th.  That starts a new part of my life.  A part of my life where I don’t have to worry about balancing full-time work, full-time school, and the tattered remains of a social life.  A part of my life where I can exercise regularly once again and say farewell to the squishier, sweatier 2011 version of myself.  A part of my life where I am vaguely more qualified to apply for jobs that I might enjoy.

And, most importantly, a part of my life when I’ll get to lord my Master’s degree over those around me.

SIDE NOTE 2 – THE REVENGE:  As I was writing the previous sentence, I though, “Eh, I’m not sure if I like using the term ‘lord’ here.”  I decided to check out because, as explained throughout this blog post, my brain no longer functions.  Below is what I found.  The highlighting is my own.


I realize that there is a comma between these two words, but that doesn’t make this thesaurus entry any less…unfortunate.  I also realize that if I were a web editor over at, such a gaffe would not occur.  HINT HINT, THESAURUS.COM.

Hmmm, actually, I’m pretty sure that if I had the opportunity to legitimately publish the term “cock flourish” as part of my job, I would do it in a second.  Touché, web editor.  Touché.

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